laser cut acrylic wall installation. hover

World Monuments

Client: American Express
Services: Design, Production, Installation

Multi-Coloured pieces make up the world…

TYGH was brought on to install artwork on a curved wall in the American Express Head Office waiting area. TYGH designed a skyline of iconic world monuments using hundreds of translucent laser-cut acrylic pieces. Light refracts through each piece casting colourful shadows in all directions creating movement over the day.

This isn’t a waiting area

Located at the reception desk for an American Express Head Office. TYGH was given this poem by OgilvyOne to present as a 3-dimensional wire sculpture. The piece gives the illusion of floating handwritten words, the shadows are as much a part of the piece as the wire.

This isn’t a waiting area.
Here, waiting is discouraged. We want to help you grow impatient with life. To grab each day by its horns and never let go. Because your world is just that. Yours.
What are you waiting for?